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Don't forget these...
1lb (454g) Queen line jar
Honey bees feast on a wide variety of floral sources in the spring making this a poly floral honey, due to the different varieties of flowers bees will visit in their pursuit of nectar. We harvest the wildflower honey just as spring turns to summer. The multiple flower sources around the creeks and meadows from high up in the mountains lend themselves to very complex honey with a bold mouthfeel but lacking in the slightly bitter quality some people typically associate with wildflower honey. The color ranges from dark mahogany to amber red. Local wildflower honey has long been known for helping with spring allergies. Our elders here in the mountains have always used this honey as the remedy “use it for what ails you” they would say. What ails David is a hot biscuit begging for a spoonful of this honey! It is our favorite honey.